November 21, 2022
Agassiz, British Columbia – The Bear Mountain and Limbert Mountain fires are now categorized as being held.
The Bear Mountain fire that originated on BC Hydro right-of-way on Provincial Crown is now under the lead of BC Wildfire Services (BCWS). On Saturday, the BCWS crews were successful in making a fire guard through the west flank.
Significant progress was made in containing the fire on Limbert Mountain on the south flank with a fire guard. A fire guard has been constructed around the head of the fire. Properties and homes at the base of the mountain continue to be protected with sprinklers. Fire crews have been onsite daily.
With the anticipated favourable weather conditions and relative humidity increase, the fire behaviour dramatically decreases. It is expected that in the next coming days the status of both fires will be updated to being contained.
The District of Kent emergency operating centre is supporting the site operations. The State of Local Emergency and evacuation alerts remain in effect.
Access to the Limbert Road and Cameron Road continues to be limited to local traffic only.
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Gerald Basten
Fire Chief