October 26, 2021
Agassiz, British Columbia – Recently CTV aired and published an alleged cover up story regarding the tragic incident involving Ms. Shirley Nate in 2015. On the Friday, October 16 preceding the incident, the District’s Public Works’ staff were made aware of downed trees in the area, not powerlines.
It is also important to note that the Fraser Heritage Society, which receives indirect funding from the Province to operate the Kilby Historic Site and Campground, also had their (Kilby) staff working on the site when the incident occurred.
Contrary to information that was reported to CTV on the alleged cover up, the District’s Kilby Pump Station, which is located on the dike and serviced by electricity from BC Hydro, was not operating at the time of the incident due to low water levels.
Further, social media comments that claim that the District is responsible for this electrical service line is false. It is not a private line and BC Hydro provides all maintenance service for the electrical line to the Kilby Pump Station.
The CTV report confirms that the former employee and the unidentified employee had already provided their information to the RCMP during its investigation; however, CTV neglected to say that all other District and Kilby staff have also been interviewed by the RCMP as well.
The District denies all claims that staff were told to lie by management. The District staff member who worked in the area on the Friday, reported a tree down on the dike, which was discussed at the Friday meeting. Following the long weekend, on Tuesday staff were told to provide the facts, and not their opinions, to the RCMP’s investigation. The recording played during the CTV news story was clipped and not played in its entirety. The District has fully cooperated in the investigation with the RCMP.
As the matter is currently under litigation, the District will rely on the investigation evidence provided by the RCMP to Crown Counsel for our legal court system to adjudicate.
Mayor Sylvia Pranger
District of Kent