April 11, 2024
Agassiz, British Columbia – The District of Kent is excited to announce the completion of its active transportation network plan. This strategic document outlines the District’s vision and objectives for improving active transportation within Kent. This plan identifies gaps in the pedestrian and bicycle network, and aims to improve safety and the experience for people walking, biking, and rolling, providing a roadmap for priority improvements over the short-, medium-, and long-term. Recommending improvements in:
The Active Transportation Network Plan began in the fall of 2022 and was completed in December 2023. Involving two phases of engagement with stakeholders and community members, and a wide range of engagement activities and opportunities for the public to provide feedback. Thank you to those who participated in the community engagement, you were an integral part of this process.
To learn more, visit our website at:
Mayor Sylvia Pranger
District of Kent