From the meeting of November 9, 2020
Mayor Pranger took a moment to congratulate NDP’s Kelli Paddon on becoming the new MLA for Chilliwack-Kent and looks forward to working with her. She also thanked Mr.Laurie Throness for all his work over the last 7 years.
As COVID-19 numbers continue to climb in our region, Mayor Pranger had this message to share:
I would urge all businesses and residents to wear masks in all public spaces. Still follow all the same health protocols like hand washing, sanitizer, etc. If we really love and care for our neighbours and our community, lets all do our part to continue keeping each other safe and healthy. Thank you for doing your part thus far.
Although there will be no Remembrance Day service in the gym as we always do. Please stop and take the time with your family to honour our veterans and to thank the Legion for helping keep the memory of our veterans alive.
Public Works staff had a socially distanced farewell for Al Pryor our Mechanic. Al has been with the District since 1989. “Thank you, Al, for the many years of service and best wishes for the next chapter of your life”. – Mayor Pranger
Congratulations to Fred and Dorothy Lambier who will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on Wednesday, November 11th. “What a blessing to celebrate such a milestone.” – Mayor Pranger
In its Inaugural meeting held on November 5, 2018, committee and portfolio appointments were made by the Mayor and ratified by Council. At that time, Deputy Mayor appointments were made from for the period from November 5, 2018 to October 1, 2020.
Council ratified Mayor Pranger’s appointment of Deputy Mayor for:
In consultation with all members of Council, no other changes were made to the existing committee and portfolio appointments.
Council has approved the recommendation from the Agassiz-Harrison Mills Drainage Committee to collaborate with Dave Moore and Sts’ailes-Sq’ewlets Fisheries to assess the feasibility of salmon restoration projects on the Mountain Slough.
Projects such as these include the removal of vegetation and sediments from the sloughs by an excavator, exposing bare gravels as a channel bed, and planting of native vegetation on the channel banks to enhance salmon sustainability and species at risk.
The District of Kent currently has a total of twenty-two pet waste stations in various parks and trail locations around the community.
Up until August 2020, the District, with generous support from Kent Veterinary, has supplied pet bags for all local pet waste stations. Supply and demand have always been high in the community; however, this summer the District reported the highest use with over 17,000 pet bags being consumed in just one month.
As a result, staff implemented thirteen “Take a Bag, Leave a Bag” community pet bag stations, mainly in outer lying areas of the District. Although this program is common in many communities, it did not fulfill the goals of a sustainable pet waste management system.
Council has approved to switch to single pull compostable bags to reduce the tendency of taking more than one bag at a time; to execute a bi-annual public education program including the implementation of an “adopt a Pet Waste Station’.
Council approved the acknowledgement of November as Adoption Awareness Month. Unfortunately, there are hundreds of children and youth in foster care still hoping to find a family to call their own. Adoption can provide some of the most vulnerable young people in our communities with families who will provide support and guidance to grow into adulthood and future citizens.
Adopt BC Kids is an online portal that allows citizens of BC to complete an adoption application and explore resources to community members who are interested in adopting a child in foster care.
By order of the Provincial Health Officer, all individuals, places of work and businesses within Vancouver Coastal Health and Fraser Health regions must significantly reduce social interactions and travel.
The order came into effect November 7, 2020 at 10:00pm until November 23, 2020 at 12:00 pm.
For more information on the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley restrictions and local response, visit our website at: