From the meeting of May 25, 2020
On January 27, 2020 Council authorized staff to proceed with an updated ALC Exclusion for 7076, 7180 and 7202 McDonald Road and PID 005-197-961, known as the Teacup Lands. District staff developed a public engagement survey with the primary goal of ensuring the community was equipped to provide informed input to Council.
Council received the outcome of the public engagement process, which included feedback from 473 individuals in various forms such as verbal, written and by the comment sheet.
Individual members of Council each presented thoughtful perspectives on their positions prior to deliberating. When available, the meeting minutes will reflect these presentations in its entirety.
The vote to proceed with the ALC Block Exclusion Application was approved.
We need to continue to provide a variety of affordable housing types for seniors, young families, professionals and all those who contribute to our community. We have always been a welcoming community. Young families need to continue our tradition of a strong fire department and search and rescue. Our schools and recreation thrive on the young families in this community. – Mayor Pranger
Mayor Pranger thanked residents for being safe and listening to the direction given from Dr. Bonnie Henry. Mayor Pranger asked residents to continue to be kind and shop local.
Councillor Schwichtenberg met virtually with the Fraser Valley Regional Library. They are facing what all communities are facing and that is how to re-open libraries with safety protocols in place. With no specific date to re-open, staff are working diligently to meet the guidelines to keep both participants and employees safe.
The District, along with neighbouring communities, is continuing to monitor this spring’s freshet. In a report from the Emergency Coordinator, the snowpack in the Upper Fraser East is still very high at 133%. Most of the flow in the Fraser River originates from the Upper Fraser East, North Thompson, South Thompson, and Cariboo Mountains. The snowpack in these areas is high (117% of normal). As always, we are at the mercy of the weather in determining how the freshet will proceed over the next few weeks.
Council recognized Dr. Rachel Collins as the regional winner for Fraser Health of the My Family Doctor award from the BC College of Family Physicians.
This award provided British Columbians the opportunity to recognize and honour their own family doctor. Visit: to read the full biography.
A Public Hearing is set for June 22, 2020 at 7:00 pm for District of Kent Zoning Bylaw 1219, Amendment Bylaw No. 1632.
Recent changes were made to the BC Building Code with hopes of creating more affordable housing including:
Bylaw 1632 proposes to: