From the meeting of June 10, 2019
Earlier this year, the District was successful in receiving $25,000 from the New Horizons grant funding that was used to purchase outdoor exercise equipment in Centennial Park.
Council approved staff to apply for the next round of grant intakes from the Seniors Federal Grant Fund to support a seniors’ “Get Active” program and associated events. The District will be applying for $25,000 for the year 2020 to support a suite of programs and events specifically designed for seniors.
The “Get Active” program is a call to action for seniors to become more physically and socially active in our community. These objectives will be achieved through several social and physical programs aiming to engage seniors to support each other in fitness, health and every living. Staff is proposing a year of events and programs, such as fitness challenges, volunteer fair, promotion of the Snow Angels program and a health and wellness fair. More opportunities for programming and events would be announced if the grant is successful.
The New Horizons for Seniors Program is a federally funded grants and contributions program that supports projects designed by and for seniors making a difference in the lives of others in their communities.
Join us on Thursday, June 20 at 11:00 am in Pioneer Park for the grand opening party of the all-inclusive playground at Pioneer Park!
The afternoon will include Subway sandwiches, cookies and juice for kids, and a group photo.
Council recognized the unique heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding contributions of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples in advance of National Indigenous Peoples Day on June 21. This date was chosen as it is the summer solstice, which for generations many Indigenous peoples and communities have celebrated their culture and heritage on or near this day due to the significance of the summer solstice as the longest day of the year.
Information provided from the Government of Canada website.
The District of Kent is in need of volunteers to help with fun and games and other activities in Pioneer Park during the Canada Day celebrations. Assistance with set up and take down of the event is also needed.
The Rootin’ Tootin’ Hometown Country Party will have live music, a petting zoo, children’s inflatables and games, and more! Follow us on social media for final event details.
Interested parties can call the Recreation Programmer at the Community Cultural and Recreation Centre for more details at 604-796-8891.
We’re looking forward to celebrating a fun filled Canada Day!
Recognizing that our local Agassiz branch of the Fraser Valley Regional Library is a central community hub and provides a place of inclusion along with many more activities and services than simply lending books, Council agreed with the City of Victoria that the Provincial government should consider restoring its support for libraries.
Funding rates have been frozen since 2009 and inflationary costs are increasingly being put on municipal tax payers to cover the difference. Council will also be sending a letter to the Minister of Education, the Premier and all local Members of Legislative Assembly advocating that funding for libraries be returned to a level that reflects the inflationary cost increases since 2009 and the value that facilities to the Province.
With Mayor Pranger as Chair, along with Councillor Schwichtenberg and the Director of Financial Services, the 2019 Parcel Tax Roll Review will be held in Council Chambers on Monday, June 24 at 11:00 am.
The purpose for the sitting of the Parcel Tax Review Panel is to confirm and authenticate the Rockwell Bay Estates Water System and Mount Woodside Sewer and Water Parcel Tax Rolls.
If no amendment requests are received, then the 2019 parcel tax rolls are deemed to be authenticated and the meeting will adjourn.
For more information please contact Municipal Hall at 604-796-2235.
Council will be sending a letter to Fraser Health, with copies to the Ministry of Health and to the local Member of Legislative Assembly expressing their disappointment and concerns regarding the health authority’s recent decision to temporarily close the maternity ward at Chilliwack General Hospital.
Council discussed that residents of Agassiz, Harrison Hot Springs and District of Hope are already travelling a fair distance to get to Chilliwack to deliver their babies. It is a disservice that the health authority now requires those patients to travel to Abbotsford, especially with the increase in motor vehicle accidents along the Abbotsford-Chilliwack corridor of Highway 1.
The management of staff through Fraser Health also came into question, noting that if there are doctors available in other hospitals, why are they not being re-assigned to Chilliwack? The temporary closure is shocking, and Council noted that the length of the closure is not known, which is an unacceptable factor for pregnant women throughout the Eastern Fraser Valley.
Expectant mothers with pre-existing plans to deliver at Chilliwack General Hospital are also being re-routed to Abbotsford. All labour and delivery patients are asked not to come to Chilliwack General Hospital beginning June 24, 2019.
Mayor Pranger commented on the unacceptable decision, pointing out that this makes the most vulnerable people even more vulnerable. There are those that struggle just to get to Chilliwack, and now they have to find their way to Abbotsford. As this is done through Fraser Health, that includes our region and we deserve a level of service.
For information on pregnancy and maternity hospitals, visit