From the meeting held on June 10, 2024
Mayor's Update
Congratulations Grads!
Mayor Pranger and Council congratulated all the graduates from our community, noting how wonderful it is to see the joy in the parents and the students from their success. Councillor Schwichtenberg expressed her gratitude for the privilege of speaking on behalf of Council at the Agassiz Elementary Secondary School (AESS) Graduation Ceremony on June 7, 2024. She graduated from AESS 42 years ago and remembers how the day was filled with joy and happiness much like the graduation ceremony she spoke at last Friday.
Project A.I.M Assistance for Multi-Year Operational Grant Application - Delegation
Ms. Elina Kurahashi, Ms. Jessica Stephenson, and Ms. Tiffany Francis from Project A.I.M presented Council with their request for assistance fulfilling requirements for a multi-year operational grant application from the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction.
The purpose of presenting to Council was that Project A.I.M, as an incorporated non-profit, is required to have a collaborating organization, that is a registered CRA qualified donee, co-sign their application. As the Municipality is a CRA qualified donee, they are asking for the District's support as a collaborating organization. Through the grant application they are asking for $360,000 over three years ($120,000 per year) from the Government of BC which would go towards their operational budget. Project A.I.M services people in need from Vancouver to Hope providing menstrual and incontinence products and workshops.
Council agreed to support the request for the District to be the collaborating organization as part of the application process, with the mutual understanding that further negotiations between the two organizations will occur if the application is successful. To learn more about this organization, or if you would like to support menstrual equity, please visit
Build Your Own Air Cleaner – Emergency Air Quality Improvement
On May 29, Councillor Spaeti attended the Fraser Valley Regional District build your own air cleaner workshop. Attendees were taught a simple way to improve their air quality during wildfire smoke events. To learn how to build your own air cleaner refer to the infographic below or visit
Harrison Highlands Park Playground Design and Installation
Council approved Habitat Systems Inc. Option #2 playground submission to supply and install the playground equipment at the newly developed Harrison Highlands Park. An open house was held on October 21, 2023 where residents provided feedback on amenities they would like to see added to the park. Based on this feedback, District staff developed a three-phased plan, with phase one including the addition of a nature inspired playground.
Habitat Systems Inc. Option #2
Agassiz Fall Fair and Corn Festival
Council unanimously approved the application from the Agassiz Agricultural and Horticultural Association for the Agassiz Fall Fair and Corn Festival Parade. The annual parade will be held on Saturday, September 14, 2024, beginning at 10:00 am.
To learn more about this event, or to register for the parade, please visit:
Agassiz Farm Fresh Market Returns
The Agassiz Farm Fresh Market is returning for another year! Council approved the waiving of the 2024 Business Licensing and Event Permit fees. The market takes place on Thursdays from 4:00 - 7:00 pm in Pioneer Park. The market was revitalized in 2018 with the goal of providing a place for local growers and makers to connect with local residents and visitors.
Please visit for more information or to apply as a vendor.