From the meeting of July 22, 2019
The Request for Proposal for the Sutherland Road Reconstruction Design was awarded to ISL Engineering Ltd.
The District’s Public Works department will be working to reconstruct approximately 850 metres of Sutherland road between Highway 7 and Humphrey Road.
The current road is quite narrow and in poor condition, so works will include removing and replacing the existing asphalt surface and replace or extend three drainage culverts to facilitate road widening.
The 2019 Capital Plan includes sufficient funding for this project, however Council previously resolved to phase the project, undertaking design work this year with construction beginning next year in 2020.
Funding for this project will be partly sourced from revenues gained through the District’s Soil Removal Permits and Soil Removal Fees.
Council approved the installation of two new bus shelters in town, the first one on Pioneer Avenue outside of TAJ Indian Bistro, and the second will be on Elm Road adjacent to Schep Park. The shelters will be similar in style to the ones for the westbound transit route along Pioneer.
The bus shelter program requires the District be responsible for approximately 20% of the total cost of the shelter and installation and is estimated at $7,081. The costs associated with this project were included in the 2019 budget.
Council agreed that regulations for retail cannabis sales will be limited to one site, operated by the Provincial government, where there are no accessory single-dwelling residential uses and not located on a parcel within 125 m of any school and 200 m from any child care centre.
After considering the comments heard at the Public Hearing earlier the same evening relating to the potential location, the decision was made to rescind the second reading of Bylaw No. 1619 and refer the bylaw back to staff to amend the site location, restricting the sales site to only the eastern end of Pioneer Avenue.
The Ministry of Agriculture will be hosting the second annual Every Chef Needs a Farmer, Every Farmer Needs a Chef event on November 12, 2019 at the Pacific National Exhibition in Vancouver.[1]
This one day networking event is an opportunity to bring BC food to plates around the province by bringing together more than 300 farmers, chefs and other food and beverage industry members.
Chefs can explore a variety of B.C. products that are available for their restaurants, and farmers can connect directly with chefs to better understand what products are in high demand. The event will have over 40 displays featuring BC primary agriculture producers, industry associations and non-profit organizations involved in BC’s local food system.
This event is open to anyone who is involved or interested in BC’s farm to table philosophy. Register online at
Friends of the Library proposed to initiate a Take a Book Leave a Book kiosk project in partnership with Agassiz High School. Council supported the idea that will see the kiosks constructed by woodworking classes and painted by art students.
The material costs would be provided by the Friends of the Library, and Council agreed to have Public Works install them in-kind. The kiosks will be placed near well-lit existing benches, far enough away from sidewalks that won’t impede snow clearing. A plaque recognizing support of School District 78 and the District of Kent will be installed, and the kiosks will be registered with Free Little Libraries.
If your garden is pumping out fruits and vegetables faster than you can keep up, consider donating extra produce to the Agassiz-Harrison Community Services Food Bank.
Donations are accepted on Wednesdays and go directly to those in need in our community.
For more information, contact Agassiz-Harrison Community Services at 604-796-2585.
Mayor Pranger welcomed the youth group SERVE that is visiting the community from July 20 to 27. The group will be helping clean up yards, rebuild sheds, partnering with Community Services in the thrift store along with many more volunteer services throughout their week in Agassiz.
[1] With information as provided on the BC government’s website.
From the meeting of July 22, 2019
The Request for Proposal for the Sutherland Road Reconstruction Design was awarded to ISL Engineering Ltd.
The District’s Public Works department will be working to reconstruct approximately 850 metres of Sutherland road between Highway 7 and Humphrey Road.
The current road is quite narrow and in poor condition, so works will include removing and replacing the existing asphalt surface and replace or extend three drainage culverts to facilitate road widening.
The 2019 Capital Plan includes sufficient funding for this project, however Council previously resolved to phase the project, undertaking design work this year with construction beginning next year in 2020.
Funding for this project will be partly sourced from revenues gained through the District’s Soil Removal Permits and Soil Removal Fees.
Council approved the installation of two new bus shelters in town, the first one on Pioneer Avenue outside of TAJ Indian Bistro, and the second will be on Elm Road adjacent to Schep Park. The shelters will be similar in style to the ones for the westbound transit route along Pioneer.
The bus shelter program requires the District be responsible for approximately 20% of the total cost of the shelter and installation and is estimated at $7,081. The costs associated with this project were included in the 2019 budget.
Council agreed that regulations for retail cannabis sales will be limited to one site, operated by the Provincial government, where there are no accessory single-dwelling residential uses and not located on a parcel within 125 m of any school and 200 m from any child care centre.
After considering the comments heard at the Public Hearing earlier the same evening relating to the potential location, the decision was made to rescind the second reading of Bylaw No. 1619 and refer the bylaw back to staff to amend the site location, restricting the sales site to only the eastern end of Pioneer Avenue.
The Ministry of Agriculture will be hosting the second annual Every Chef Needs a Farmer, Every Farmer Needs a Chef event on November 12, 2019 at the Pacific National Exhibition in Vancouver.[1]
This one day networking event is an opportunity to bring BC food to plates around the province by bringing together more than 300 farmers, chefs and other food and beverage industry members.
Chefs can explore a variety of B.C. products that are available for their restaurants, and farmers can connect directly with chefs to better understand what products are in high demand. The event will have over 40 displays featuring BC primary agriculture producers, industry associations and non-profit organizations involved in BC’s local food system.
This event is open to anyone who is involved or interested in BC’s farm to table philosophy. Register online at
Friends of the Library proposed to initiate a Take a Book Leave a Book kiosk project in partnership with Agassiz High School. Council supported the idea that will see the kiosks constructed by woodworking classes and painted by art students.
The material costs would be provided by the Friends of the Library, and Council agreed to have Public Works install them in-kind. The kiosks will be placed near well-lit existing benches, far enough away from sidewalks that won’t impede snow clearing. A plaque recognizing support of School District 78 and the District of Kent will be installed, and the kiosks will be registered with Free Little Libraries.
If your garden is pumping out fruits and vegetables faster than you can keep up, consider donating extra produce to the Agassiz-Harrison Community Services Food Bank.
Donations are accepted on Wednesdays and go directly to those in need in our community.
For more information, contact Agassiz-Harrison Community Services at 604-796-2585.
Mayor Pranger welcomed the youth group SERVE that is visiting the community from July 20 to 27. The group will be helping clean up yards, rebuild sheds, partnering with Community Services in the thrift store along with many more volunteer services throughout their week in Agassiz.