From the meeting of January 11, 2021
As Council’s liaison to the fire department, Councillor Watchorn was honoured to attend the annual Agassiz Fire Department Awards which took place during a practice.
With strict COVID-19 measures in place, Colin Kerkhoff was named Firefighter of the Year, and Lance Jarvis was awarded Rookie of the Year. Ryan Chiarot had the most volunteer hours with 72 hours above and beyond callout and training hours.
Years of Service were awarded to:
Al Pryor for 50 years
Wayne Dyer, 30 years
Eric Morrow, 20 years
Mike Van Laerhoven and Edwin Pineda, 10 years
Brad Klootwyk, Brent Sawatzky and Lance Jarvis with 5 years
Congratulations to all. Your dedication and service to your community is very much appreciated.
The District of Kent will support the Girl Guides of Canada’s “Guiding Lights Across British Columbia” initiative by lighting up Municipal Hall in blue on February 22nd.
Every year, Girl Guides celebrate World Thinking Day, a day of international friendship. It is an opportunity to speak out on issues that affect girls and young women, celebrate the founding of Girl Guides, and be connected to the 10 million members around the world who are part of the Guiding movement.
Here in British Columbia, there are thousands of girls and women who are members of Girl Guides of Canada. There are Girl Guide programs in nearly every community in BC – including groups in Agassiz for Sparks, Brownies, and Guides – and the girls and volunteers light up their communities year-round through leadership, community service, and efforts to create a better world, by girls.
Typically, annual Thinking Day activities include campfire singalongs, community events, special camps and other planned activities. Due to the impacts of COVID-19, the girls will be admiring the lit-up sites that comply with COVID-19 rules (both from public health authorities and Girl Guides’ own member safety protocols) by posting photos on social media and enjoying this open-air opportunity that will enable everyone to safely celebrate.
For more information on Girl Guides of Canada, please visit:
Council gave first and second readings to Bylaws 1508.11 and 1627 and approved a Public Hearing for these bylaws on February 8, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. In accordance with Section 475 of the Local Government Act, the Public Hearing notice will run in two consecutive issues of the local newspaper requesting for written comments along with written notice to property owners within 100 metres of the property and all residences on Wilson Road.
For more information contact the Director of Development Services at or by calling Municipal Hall at 604-796-2235.
Congratulations to the Agassiz Fire Department for the re-accreditation for Alternative Water Supply for Public Fire Protection via Large Diameter Hose Lay.
“The requirements for this accreditation are stringent and verify that the Agassiz Fire Department is capable of delivering the minimum accepted fire flows to detached dwellings throughout the fire protection district within 8 km by road of the responding fire station, and within 600 m of a recognized hydrant connected to the Agassiz water system. This accreditation is an equivalency to the minimum requirements for hydrant protection as set out by the insurance industry and the Fire Underwriters Survey.”
- Michael King, CTech
Public Fire Protection Specialist
Fire Underwriters Survey
If you require more information, contact the Agassiz Fire Department at 604-796-2614 or the Fire Underwriters Survey at 1-800-665-5661.
The BC government recently introduced legislation to amend the Home Owner Grant Act.
These amendments are the first step to centralizing the homeowner grant program for the 2021 tax year. The proposed amendments do not change the eligibility criteria for the program.
Effective January 1, 2021, all home owner grant applications will be submitted directly to the Province. Residents in the District of Kent will no longer apply through Municipal Hall.
Centralizing this program will ensure homeowners receive the grant amount they are eligible for, automate the approval process and increase tax compliance.
For more information visit or by calling 1-888-355-2700.