At its Regular meeting of January 10, 20022, Council of the District of Kent will consider the issuance of a Temporary Use Permit for 7820 Industrial Way, Agassiz, BC as authorized under Section 493 of the Local Government Act.
Land Use Proposal: A Temporary Use Permit application was received from Seabird Island to temporarily use the existing dwelling unit on 7820 Industrial Way as a Healing and Trauma Centre. The Centre will provide clients with accommodations, common kitchen and dining facilities, and communal spaces while accessing culturally appropriate programming. The healing programs will be provided to those that have trauma related concerns from colonization, oppression, discrimination, and racism.
This is not a substance use treatment or recovery program. A supervisor or caretaker is always on premise.
MORE INFORMATION: View the Public Notice Package.
Due to the recent Regional Health Order, Council Chambers has limited capacity for in-person attendance. The public is strongly encouraged to participate and/or observe remotely via live stream or through written submission. for in-person attendees, masks are mandatory at all times except when speaking.
All written submissions should include the writer's name and address, which will become part of the public record. All written submissions must be received by 12:30 PM, January 10, 2022.
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