February 18, 2022
The District of Kent is pleased to welcome film crews from CMW Autumn Productions. The film crew will be onsite on Wednesday, February 23, 2022, from approximately 8:30 AM to 8:30 PM.
The filming will be exterior scenes with little actor/actress activity. Although the production will be filming in several locations down Pioneer Avenue, there will be minimal disruptions to vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
The Aberdeen public parking lot will be closed for public parking beginning February 22 at 4:00 PM as the film crew arrives as well as the entire day of February 23. Some parking stalls along Pioneer Avenue may be temporarily occupied by the film crews.
Municipal Hall will also be used for a small scene that require some minor exterior modifications. There will be no disruption to public access.
For more information contact Ms. Jennifer Thornton, Director of Community Services & Projects at 604-796-2235.
Location Map: