From the meeting held on February 26, 2024
Mayor’s Report
Mayor Pranger reminded the public to please refrain from littering and utilize the many garbage receptacles the District maintains around town and in every park. The practice of tossing cigarettes on the ground is dangerous as it can cause grass fires even during wet months.
May 12, 2024 is declared as Fibromyalgia Awareness Day in the District of Kent. Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues that affects more than 500,000 Canadians.
To learn more about fibromyalgia and what you can do to help, please visit:
Sidewalk Repairs
Councillor Post reported on the District’s use of concrete grinding versus jackhammering to repair several sidewalks in the District. This process allowed staff to complete the identified areas in half a day instead of multiple days.
Agassiz-Harrison Museum Fundraiser
Continuing its fundraising efforts, tickets for the Mother’s Day basket are now available through the Agassiz-Harrison Museum and Visitor Centre. Councillor Schwichtenberg noted that tickets are $5.00 each and there are only 1,000 tickets available. For more information, please contact the museum at 604-796-3545.
Chamber Event
Councillor Spaeti highlighted the next Harrison Agassiz Chamber of Commerce event on March 21, 2024 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Sasquatch Inn. The presentation will be on employee retention. Tickets are available at
Active Transportation Network Plan
The Active Transportation Network Plan (ATNP) is an update to the District’s 2009 Active Transportation Plan and is intended to align with best practice in infrastructure planning and design.
The plan will help facilitate connections between neighbourhoods, local and regional trails systems, and community destinations. The ATNP is intended to help guide the District by identifying opportunities with the overall goal to create an accessible, safe, comfortable, and connected network for people of all ages and abilities. Using alternative modes of transportation also reduces greenhouse gas emissions to sustain our environment.
Thank you to those who participated in the community engagement. A copy of the plan will be shared online via the District of Kent’s website. You can find the ATNP on page 23 of the agenda here:
A Year in Review
Mayor Pranger thanked the Chief Administrative Officer and staff for the thorough summary presented in the 2023 Year in Review report. Accomplishments that were specifically mentioned by Council included the receipt of $4.5 million in grant funding as well as the regional fire training facility that is being primarily funded through grants.
To read more about the 2023 Year in Review, you can find it on page 117 of the agenda here:
District of Kent Awarded the Canadian Award for Financial Reporting
The Canadian Award for Financial Reporting has been awarded to the District of Kent by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada for its annual financial report of the fiscal year ending December 2022. The District’s report was judged by an impartial Canadian Review Committee to ensure it met the high standards of the program, including clearly communicating the municipality’s financial story.
To see the District’s Press Release visit: