A cooling centre will be available at the Friendship House (7272 Morrow Road), beginning on Monday, August 14, 2023, from 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM, until the Heat Warning has been rescinded. Pets are permitted and must be always under the full control of their owner. A transit stop is conveniently located in front of the Friendship House and riders can access transit for free this month. If necessary, transportation to the Friendship House may be arranged through Agassiz Harrison Community Services (604-796-2585).
Additional cool indoor spaces include the Community Recreation and Cultural Centre at 6660 Pioneer Avenue, from 6:15 AM to 8:00 PM and the Agassiz Library at 7140 Cheam Avenue (please see their website for hours of operation https://fvrl.bibliocommons.com/locations/AG ).
For more tips on how to keep cool during a heat event, please visit the Fraser Health website: https://www.fraserhealth.ca/health-topics-a-to-z/sun-safety/during-a-heat-event