Pursuant to Section 166 of the Community Charter, notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting will be held on April 22, 2024 at 5:00 pm in Council Chambers at Municipal Hall at 7170 Cheam Avenue, Agassiz, BC.
The public is welcome to listen to the livestream of the District of Kent’s “2024-2028 Financial Plan”. See details and instructions on the District’s website at kentbc.ca/livestream.
The presentation is also available on the District’s website at: kentbc.ca/budget . Written submissions in relation to the “2024 - 2028 Financial Plan” are encouraged in advance of the meeting for Council's consideration.
Please provide your name and address along with your comments or questions, to:
Corporate Services,or email at info@kentbc.ca no later than 12 noon on Monday, April 22, 2024.
For further information, or to schedule an appointment to discuss the financial plan, please contact the undersigned at (604) 796-2235.
Mike Veenbaas, CPA, CMA
Director of Financial Services