You must have a business licence to carry out business within the District of Kent, including operating a Short Term Rental.
Application forms |
See our Business Licence Guide for more details. |
Business license related bylaws |
We mail renewal notices in early November of each year to all businesses with a current District of Kent business licence.
By phone |
Call us at 604-796-2235 to make payment by credit card over the phone. |
In Person |
Municipal Hall We accept cheques, cash credit and debit. |
By Mail |
District of Kent Send a cheque along with your renewal notice and we will mail your new business licence to you. Payments must be received by the due date. Postmark dates are not accepted. |
Inter-Municipal Business Licences (IMBL) are available throughout many participating municipalities. An IMBL costs $250 for the calendar year and is in addition to the resident business licence fee.
Participating municipalities |
Businesses eligible for an IMBL include trade contractors or other professionals (related to the construction industry) or a contractor who performs maintenance and/or repair of land and buildings from a location other than their business location.
Looking to upgrade, expand or renovate your business? We offer a tax exemption program for owners of commercial or industrial property that make improvements to their premises.
Before making any changes to your business, contact Development Services first, so that we can work with you to ensure the proper regulations are met, including Fire and Building Codes.
Business signs require a sign permit. Please be familiar with the Sign Regulation bylaw and our sandwich board sign information guide before completing the sign permit application form. Permits are also required for promotional signs and billboards.
Businesses in the Downtown Revitalization Area are asked to incorporate historic features into their sign designs as outlined in the facade guidelines.
Fill out this form and return it to Municipal Hall (or email it to ) for the application of temporary works on or use of any highways, roads, and/or lands owned by the District.